Millennium Post

ABVP takes out Tiranga March; social media erupts


NEW DELHI: Though classes at Delhi University have resumed and most students are taking all necessary measures to not get involved in the recent uproar, the environmen­t in North Campus on Monday remained tense, six days after the clashes at Ramjas College.

After the violence between two groups of students over a programme in Ramjas College, Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU) on Monday organised a ‘Tiranga March’ in the Campus, led by members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), who shouted slogans of ‘nationalis­m’, ‘March for the nation’, ‘I stand with Ramjas and I stand with nationalis­m’ etc.

During the march, hundreds of ABVP activists claimed that they were protesting against Leftleanin­g student groups for allegedly supporting those involved in “anti-national activities”.

“The main purpose for launching this ‘Tiranga March’ was to maintain peace and harmony in Delhi University. We don’t have any problem with any other group protests and marches. But if they welcome anti-nationals and raise anti-national slogans to support their protests, we will not spare them and the administra­tion will see the ABVP’S reaction,” says Amit Tanwar, ABVP activist and DUSU president.

Meanwhile, some faculty members from the University in support with Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students have planned a protest march from Khalsa College on March 1, a source said. The social media war is still in progress, even as students on both sides are preparing to keep their protests active. Joining the social media battlefiel­d, a few Ramjas students have also started off an internet campaign saying that they are not afraid of the ABVP. The campaign soon gathered momentum. “The Twitter war continues even as students on both sides prepare to keep their protests alive. The Twitter trend, however, did change with those opposing Khalid’s visit, now turning to support the ABVP,” said a third year student of Hansraj College. The aftermath of the violence that erupted between the two groups resulted in a massive social media uproar and heavy deployment of police personnel in the campus.


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