Millennium Post

Taking care of our furry friends


Q. How can we ensure the wellbeing of stray dogs in winters?

There are many stray dogs and cats living outside in our community and for many the food and shelter that we provide during the winter will mean the difference between life and death. There are many ways in which we can help these animals in surviving this winter.

Call them inside! – If you spot a homeless animal on the road, there is no point picking up a phone and simply calling a shelter or an Ngo. They are already overloaded with sick animals . See if you can give those dogs a shelter in the verandah, staircase or garden of your home. Most puppies are born in winter and 90% of them die of the cold.

If giving them shelter in your house is not an option, you might be able to help them survive the winter by providing them a home near where you live with a cardboard box, blankets or straw. See if you can make coats for them.

Give stray animals fresh, clean food and water. Provide them with rich nutritiona­l food such as rice, roti, dal instead of milk and biscuits as it will keep them full. A well fed animal is able to fight off illness and infection.

Q. What are the prominent symptoms of allergies in dogs?

A. Dogs can show allergic symptoms when their immune system recognizes certain substances as dangerous. Dogs sometimes have extreme reaction to these allergens, which are very common in the environmen­t. Allergens can cause problem when inhaled, swallowed or contact Dog’s skin. Certain noticeable symptoms of allergies in dogs are as follow: Sneezing Runny, itchy eyes Coughing and wheezing Waxy discharge; redness and odour from ears Bald patches on the skin Discoloura­tion of skin, inflammati­on Constant licking Swollen paws Dogs can be allergic of dust, feathers, perfumes, fabrics, cleaning products, rubber and plastic materials, certain foods and plants.

Q. What is the right age to sterilize a female puppy?

A spay surgery prevents dog from reproducin­g by removing both the ovaries and the uterus. A female dog can be sterilized any time after eight weeks of age and preferably before her first heat for best health benefits. The first heat cycle occurs approximat­ely around six months of age, varying from breed to breed. Spaying reduces risk of certain diseases such as mammary gland cancer. Also, it helps in preventing over-population.

Q. What to do in cases of broken bones for dogs?

A.the primary goals of treatment are to reduce pain, lower the risk of additional accidents, and avoid infection of open wounds. In all cases, there are three primary rules: Do not try to re-set a fracture. 2) Do not use antiseptic­s or ointments on open fractures. 3) Get the dog to a vet immediatel­y.

Q.what to do in cases of broken bones for cats?

Any areas that are bleeding or where bone is sticking out should be covered with sterile gauze or a clean cloth if possible. The broken bone(s) should be disturbed as little as possible. Wrap the cat in a thick towel or put him on a rigid surface to carry him to your veterinari­an.

The thing to remember is that the cat is in pain, and animals in pain can bite, no matter how gentle they are normally. The second thing to remember is that an event severe enough to fracture a bone could cause shock and other not so obvious problems, some of which may not be detectable for days. Therefore, any home treatment is just to stabilise the injury until your cat can be seen by your veterinari­an. (Send your questions to manekaanim­

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 ??  ?? Heads tails Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, MP & Union Cabinet Minister, also an eminent animal rights activist and environmen­talist answers Millennium Post readers queries related to animal welfare issues
Heads tails Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, MP & Union Cabinet Minister, also an eminent animal rights activist and environmen­talist answers Millennium Post readers queries related to animal welfare issues
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