Millennium Post

May talks Brexit with new French President Macron


LONDON: British Prime Minister Theresa May told the French President-elect, Emmanuel Macron, that she looks forward to work with him on a range of shared issues and reiterated the UK’S desire to have a strong partnershi­p with the EU after its exit from the economic bloc.

May had called Macron to congratula­te him on his election victory and the two leaders briefly talked about Brexit among other bilateral issues, Downing Street said.

“The leaders briefly discussed Brexit and the Prime Minister reiterated that the UK wants a strong partnershi­p with a secure and prosperous EU once we leave,” a Downing Street spokespers­on said.

“The Prime Minister said that she looked forward to working with the new president on a range of shared issues, with the UK and France’s unique partnershi­p providing a strong foundation for future cooperatio­n. “The Prime Minister and President-elect Macron looked forward to meeting and holding discussion­s at the upcoming NATO and G7 Summits,” the spokespers­on added.

Centrist candidate Macron decisively won the French presidenti­al election yesterday, defeating far-right candidate Marine Le Pen. Macron, a former investment banker and an economic liberal, won by 66.06 percent to 33.94 percent to become the country’s youngest President at the age of 39.

He will also become the first president from outside the two traditiona­l main parties since the modern republic’s foundation in 1958. Speaking soon after the results in Paris, he said that a new page was being turned in French history.

“I want it to be a page of hope and renewed trust,” he said. Before the phone call, Downing Street had already issued a triumphant statement as the exit polls forecast Macron’s win.

“The Prime Minister warmly congratula­tes Presi- dent-elect Macron on his election success. France is one of our closest allies and we look forward to working with the new President on a wide range of shared priorities,” a statement said. The French President will be an important ally for the UK in its Brexit negotiatio­ns with the European Union as there are hopes that he will be a fair negotiator.

Others from the UK who congratula­ted Macron included former Prime Minister Tony Blair, to whom the new French President had been compared during the campaign.

“What is important is that his election could be a real victory for a more global approach to politics,” Blair told French newspaper ‘Le Monde’. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon also expressed joy at the French election results.

“Vive La France. Congratula­tions to new President, Emmanuel Macron on his decisive victory over the hard right,” she said on Twitter.

The euro hit a six-month dollar high before falling back as markets reacted to Macron’s victory in France’s presidenti­al election.

 ??  ?? France’s President-elect speaks at the Louvre after defeating the far-right candidate, Marine Le Pen
France’s President-elect speaks at the Louvre after defeating the far-right candidate, Marine Le Pen

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