Millennium Post

Iraqi army pushes to eliminate last IS pockets in Mosul


Iraqi forces fought to eliminate the last pockets of Islamic State group resistance in Mosul on Monday after the premier visited the devastated city to congratula­te troops on securing victory.

With the jihadists surrounded in a sliver of territory in Mosul’s Old City, attention was turning to the huge task of rebuilding the city and of helping civilians, with aid groups warning that Iraq’s humanitari­an crisis was far from over.

Prime Minister Haider alabadi visited Mosul yesterday and hailed Iraq’s “heroic fighting forces” after months of difficult battles that have left much of the city in ruins. The Old City in particular has been devastated, with many buildings reduced to little more than concrete shells and rubble littering the streets. Upon his arrival in the city, Abadi’s office said he was visiting “liberated” Mosul to congratula­te troops on a “major victory”.

Abadi later said that while “victory is certain”, he was holding off on making a formal declaratio­n “out of my respect and appreciati­on for our... forces that are continuing the clearing operation.”

A senior commander said on Monday that Iraqi forces were engaged in “heavy” fighting with the remnants of jihadist forces, but that the battle was near its end. Lieutenant General Sami al-aridhi of the elite Counter- Terrorism Service said the jihadists had been reduced to an area of the Old City of about 200 by 100 metres (yards).

“They do not accept to surrender,” Aridhi told

But “operations are in their final stages,” and “it is likely that (the fighting) will end today”, Aridhi said.

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