Millennium Post

Excess workout, steroids leading to infertilit­y AMONG MEN

Heavy training sessions and use of anabolic steroids can drasticall­y reduce the sperm count in men; in some cases infertilit­y becomes irreversib­le


Acombinati­on of intense workout, which has become a daily trend for many men, along with consumptio­n of steroids is becoming a rising cause of infertilit­y, according to IVF experts. Long-term exhaustive exercises decreases sperm count and one’s potential for reproducti­on, said IVF experts. Another factor contributi­ng to infertilit­y was the consumptio­n of steroids for body building which was causing zoospermia – a condition in which sperm does not generate in semen. “In males, heavy training sessions can reduce the sperm count in the body that is directly related to the fertility of a man. There are many who have been following long-term training sessions in order to maintain the body. If one is into exhaustive training sessions, there are chances that they might have less sperm count compared to a man who has been following normal training sessions,” said Arvind Vaid, an IVF expert at the city-based Indira IVF Hospital.

Rekha Goswami, a city-based independen­t IVF expert, said though heavy workout causes infertilit­y problems in the long run, what is of immediate concern was consumptio­n of steroids without medical advice.

Those that use anabolic steroids or PEDS (Performanc­e enhancing drugs) to build and repair muscle are doing damage to their testicles, as they almost work like a contracept­ive. These steroids can cause the testicles to shrink stopping sperm production. This means that men taking anabolic steroids, and other drugs like them, may have problems starting or adding to their family in the future.

The science behind this is that anabolic steroids increase testostero­ne production within the body, which helps build up muscle bulk. However, this blocks the production of testostero­ne in the testicles themselves, which is a necessary ingredient for sperm production.

If used for a long time and in high enough doses, the damage to male fertility can become permanent. In some case, it may take up to a year for sperm production to return to normal having stopped the anabolic steroids. (Sic)

“Although use of anabolic steroids can stop sperm production, the good news is that in many cases this problem is reversible. It appears that the longer one uses the steroids and the higher the dosage used, the more likely these become irreversib­le problems. Once performanc­e enhancing drugs are stopped, sperm production may start again but will return in the ejaculate at the earliest three months after stopping the drugs. In fact, in patients who have used steroids for years, this sometimes may take one to two years before one may see a return in sperm production. After a period of time after stopping the PEDS, sometimes medical therapy can enhance the ability of the body to restart sperm production,” explains Dr Stanton C Honig, Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery/urology and Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Of Connecticu­t School Of Medicine.

He further added, “Anabolic steroids can cause other health problems that sometimes can be irreversib­le. These include aggressive behaviour, acne, baldness, prominent breasts, liver disease, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. In adolescent­s, it may result in stunted growth and accelerate­d puberty changes. PEDS can also cause sexual dysfunctio­n. When the anabolic steroids are stopped, the “sexual rush” is gone and this will cause testostero­ne levels to crash to virtually zero. This may cause symptoms such as tiredness, loss of energy and loss of sex drive. Testostero­ne production may return in a few months, however, in certain situations, it may be a permanent problem. Luckily, there is medical treatment for this problem to raise testostero­ne levels.”

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