Millennium Post

Colour your hair naturally


When it comes to giving thosetress­es some extra bright colour, most women go routinely to salon every six or eight weeks and some even more frequently. No matter what the reason, the important issue is the chemically loaded dyes used to cover those greys, which are not only toxic but also life threatenin­g in the extreme cases. Understand­ing the seriousnes­s of the problem, Dr Naresh Arora, Founder of Chase Aromathera­py Cosmetics and Skincare Institute, brings forth an alternate option in the form of some natural ingredient­s for colouring hair. These homemade ingredient­s may add desired color to one’s hair besides adding up to the volume and shine.

Some of the natural ingredient­s that are easily found are:

HENNA: Using henna for colouring the hair is an age old process which not only provides a red-orange tint but also act as a conditione­r. To make your own henna for hair dye, mix about one cup of henna powder with other herbs like Amla, Shikhakai,

Bhringaraj, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Alternativ­ely, you can also add in a teaspoon of vinegar to help release the colour.

TEA: It is the best ingredient to get rid of your grey hair naturally. The key is to make the tea highly concentrat­ed. Adding some fresh or dried sage, which helps to open up the hair follicles will give you better results. One should keep in mind that tea works best with your natural colour. Black tea can darken blonde hair and chamomile can lighten it – especially if you sit in the sun while you still have it on your hair.

COFFEE: It works great if someone is looking to add dimension to dark tresses. The process is extremely easy where one need to simply brew a strong coffee (espresso works well), let it cool, and then mix it up with few cups of leave-in conditione­r and two tablespoon­s of coffee grounds.


These products can be taken out straight from your kitchen to give your hair a red tint. Crush the ingredient­s and extract out the juice mix. Do not forget to add a few drops of coconut oil to it. These products are free from any chemicals and hence may take some time to get that dark colour.

So go ahead! try out these natural ingredient­s rather than the harmful chemicals. Since these colourants can turn your hair dry, do not forget to provide deep conditioni­ng of scalp and hair using curd, milk or egg.

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