Millennium Post

The Indian Air Force at


The youngest of the three armed forces of the Union, the Indian Air Force, turns a young eighty-five today. The journey has been exciting, to say the least; from a fledgeling force in 1932 that started with Wapitis in Karachi, it has grown into a potent, well-knit unit that can project power to areas where India’s national interests need the most protection. From its fine showing in the Burma campaign in WW II to the Kargil conflict, the IAF has grown from strength to strength and has become the weapon of first choice for the government.

The air defence of the country has been mandated to the IAF, by the Union War Book and this directive forms the basis of the capabiliti­es that it has developed. The fighter fleet has the and Control System that keeps a 24x7 watch over the nation’s skies. Their numbers need to be augmented and the government has a tough task ahead in trying to procure funds for their acquisitio­n, to cater to the deteriorat­ing security environmen­t in India’s neighbourh­ood. The security of any Nation is a multi-disciplina­ry effort, comprising of its military, diplomatic and political components. If kinetic war is thrust upon India it will be fought jointly by the Indian Army, Navy and the IAF. To do that, joint structures are being continuous­ly refined so that the power of each service is synergised to achieve the desired effect. The medium of air is an inherent component of the surface forces and the equipping and training of India’s air power has been optimised to assist in enhancing jointness with the other two services, which is a sine qua non for the prosecutio­n of a war in the modern age. The nation can rest assured that, in these times of a challengin­g security environmen­t, India’s defence is in safe hands; the motto of the Indian Air Force, “Touch the Sky with Glory” is a true reflection of the josh that permeates every IAF air warrior. (The author, a retired Air Vice

Marshal, is Distinguis­hed Fellow at Centre for Air Power

Studies, New Delhi.)

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