Millennium Post

Let your kid shine

Degrees are definitely important but not at the cost of broken dreams; one surely can balance both with a little effort

- ROOPSHA DASGUUPTA RAY (Send your questions to roopshasho­

My father is having an affair. He seldom comes home and our family is shattered. I’m a student pursuing college. Please suggest. Afzal, West Bengal.

It must be really difficult for your mother and you, yet there is very little you can do. Try and have an open chat with your father and tell him the mental agony you are facing. If nothing is working then the best decision is to let him be. As a matured man he is aware of his duties and the effect of his decision. If he is unable to comprehend and acts selfish, it is really upsetting. Be your mother’s strength and do whatever you can to take care of her. She needs you the most. Don’t lose hope. Time and patience often yield the best results. Best wishes.

Our daughter is not interested to study further. We are both Doctors.

She is adamant to learn acting and is not interested to complete college. Name unknown

As parents she needs your support and encouragem­ent. If she is focused and has the talent, do help achieve her dream with everything you can. Degrees are definitely important but not at the cost of broken dreams. Try and convince her to complete her graduation through distance education. She surely can balance both with a little effort. She can also enroll to study acting from many options available in India and abroad. Don’t stop her from doing what she really wants to do. Let her shine.

Last week I met a girl at a party. She is beautiful but is not keen on an affair. I think I have fallen in love with her. How to convince her? Dev Agarwal, New Delhi

It is too early to jump to any conclusion. Please don’t rush. Meet her and try to be a friend first. Only when you have spent quality time, you will understand if she is really the one you love. Her beauty is not the most important part of her being. You have to know the person and the personalit­y before you jump. Take it slow and let the bond be steady.

I’m a lesbian and a senior IT employee. My parents are trying to fix my marriage next year. I don’t want to and can never love a man. How to handle this situation? P Poddar, Kolkata

You know the answer my dear. You have to convey your message to your family in the best possible way. There is no question of you being forced to marry someone you don’t want. Your sexual preference is your choice. Don’t try to please anyone as you are your first priority. You can’t marry because of any pressure. Be firm and if need be, relocate to a different city. Stay happy and everything will be perfect. Good luck!

One can also enroll to study acting from many options available in India and abroad. Don’t stop her from doing what she really wants to do. Let her shine

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