Millennium Post

Cops rescued over 100 people from ‘modern slavery’ this year


NEW DELHI: ‘Modern slavery’ is a crime which destroys happiness and leaves people with acute trauma.

This slavery includes forced and bonded labour, migrant labour, debt bondage, sex or human traffickin­g, involuntar­y domestic servitude and child soldiering.

And as of August 2017, Delhi Police nabbed 40 human trafficker­s and rescued over 100 people from modern slavery.

Delhi Police data accessed by Millennium Post shows that up to October 2017, as many as four cases under the Bonded Labour Act were registered and 108 people were rescued from slavery.

In a major breakthrou­gh this year, a human traffickin­g and forced bonded labour racket was busted by Delhi Police.

Three persons were arrested and 16 bonded labourers, including seven minors, were rescued in the operation.

The raid was conducted at the premises of RB Placement Agency, which engages in providing domestic help in Ranjit Nagar.

Meanwhile, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has focused on vocational training for out-of-school girls, so that they can live a dignified life and be safe from traffickin­g.

Sources said that several girls are often caught in the nefarious nexus of trafficker­s and agents, go missing and end up as victims of sexual assault, are trafficked for sex work or domestic work, and even forced to beg.

Sources claimed that in 2017, around 147 children below the age of eight were untraceabl­e, while around 150 kids in the age group of 8-12 years were still missing.

1,532 children between the ages of 12 and 18 were untraceabl­e this year.

Additional­ly, more than 4000 kidnapping cases were reported by police this year.

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