Millennium Post



DHAKA: Pope Francis urged Bangladesh­i priests and nuns to resist the “terrorism of gossip” that can tear religious communitie­s apart, delivering one of his trademark, zinger-filled spontaneou­s speeches to the country’s Catholic leadership on Saturday at the close of an otherwise tense and diplomatic­ally fraught Asian tour.

As he has done in similar encounters, Francis told the priests and nuns gathered in Chittagong’s Holy Rosary Church that he was ditching the eight-page speech that he had prepared and would instead speak to them from his heart.

“I don’t know if it will be better or worse, but I promise it will be less boring,” he quipped.

And then for the next 15 minutes, Francis had the crowd in stitches, mixing paternal advice on how to tend to religious vocations (“with tenderness”) with gentle warnings about the havoc that gossip “bombs” can wreak when lobbed in closed religious life.

“How many religious communitie­s have been destroyed because of a spirit of gossip?” said Francis, adding that he was speaking from personal experience. “Please, bite your tongue.”

History’s first Jesuit pope has frequently lamented the damage gossip can do within the church, where vows of obedience, strict hierarchie­s and closed communitie­s can breed jealousies and resentment.

It’s a message Francis has brought to ordinary parishes riven by divisions and to the top of the Catholic Church leadership. His most famous iteration came in his 2014 Christmas greetings to the Vatican bureaucrac­y, when he listed the “terrorism of gossip” as one of the 15 maladies his closest collaborat­ors were suffering (alongside “spiritual Alzheimer’s” and a “pathology of power.”)

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