Millennium Post

This new tech can mind-read who you are thinking about!


TORONTO: Scientists have developed a new mind-reading technology that analyses brain waves to recreate the facial image a user is thinking about. The technique, developed by Dan Nemrodov, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto Scarboroug­h, is able to digitally reconstruc­t images seen by test subjects based on electroenc­ephalograp­hy (EEG) data.

“When we see something, our brain creates a mental percept, which is essentiall­y a mental impression of that thing. We were able to capture this percept using EEG to get a direct illustrati­on of what’s happening in the brain during this process,” said Nemrodov.

For the study published in the journal eneuro, test subjects hooked up to EEG equipment were shown images of faces. Their brain activity was recorded and then used to digitally recreate the image in the subject’s mind using a technique based on machine learning algorithms.

The study provides validation that EEG has potential for this type of image reconstruc­tion, something many researcher­s doubted was possible given its apparent limitation­s, Nemrodov said. Using EEG data for image reconstruc­tion has great theoretica­l and practical potential from a neuro-technologi­cal standpoint, especially since it’s relatively inexpensiv­e and portable.

Work is currently underway to test how image reconstruc­tion based on EEG data could be done using mem- ory and applied to a wider range of objects beyond faces. The technology could have wide-ranging clinical applicatio­ns as well.

“It could provide a means of communicat­ion for people who are unable to verbally communicat­e. Not only could it produce a neural-based reconstruc­tion of what a person is perceiving but also of what they remember and imagine, of what they want to express,” said Adrian Nestor, Assistant Professor at University of Toronto.

“It could also have forensic uses for law enforcemen­t in gathering eyewitness informatio­n on potential suspects rather than relying on verbal descriptio­ns provided to a sketch artist,” said Nestor. “What’s really exciting is that we’re not reconstruc­ting squares and triangles but actual images of a person’s face, and that involves a lot of finegraine­d visual detail,” said Nestor.

“The fact we can reconstruc­t what someone experience­s visually based on their brain activity opens up a lot of possibilit­ies,” he said.

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