Millennium Post

Action against terrorism not against any religion: Modi


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said action against terrorism and radicalisa­tion is not against any religion but aimed at countering a mindset that leads the young to inflict atrocities on innocents.

Complete welfare and inclusive developmen­t are possible only when Muslim youths have a Quran in one hand and computer in the other, the prime minister added in his speech at a conference on ‘Islamic Heritage: Promoting Understand­ing & Moderation’, where Jordan’s Abdullah II bin Al Hussein delivered a special address.

“The action against terrorism and radicalisa­tion is not against religion. It is against the mindset that misleads our youth to inflict atrocities against innocents,” he said.

Those who perpetrate crimes against humanity, the prime minister added, do not realise that they undermine the religion in whose name they claim to stand for.

Delivering his address, the Jordanian king said today’s global war against terror is not a fight between different religions. “It is between moderates of all faiths and communitie­s and against extremists who spread hatred and violence,” he said.

Sharing his views on religion, he said faith should hold humanity together.

Inclusion is the path to the co-existence, the king said, stressing the need to build strong, successful countries.

“It is our strongest defence against turmoil and the greatest promise of our future and prosperity, security and peace,” he said.

Lauding the Jordanian king for the steps taken to counter radicalisa­tion, Modi said it would prove beneficial to combat barbarism inflicted by extremists. “India would like to walk together with you in work done by you in the area of de-radicalisa­tion,” the prime minister said.

India, the prime minister added, had been a “cradle of all major religions in the world”.

Indian democracy is a celebratio­n of age-old pluralism, Modi said.

NEW DELHI: Jordan's King Abdullah II said on Thursday that the global fight against terror isn't a war against any religion or against Muslims, it's a war against hate and violence.

He further said that the Prophet Muhammad preached compassion, humanity and mercy. "This is my faith, the faith I teach my children, the faith shared by 1.8 billion Muslims around the world," said Abdullah.

Jordan's King was speaking at a conference in New Delhi on 'Islamic Heritage: Promoting Understand­ing & Moderation'. His address is seen as important for India and for the region during a time when regimes are trying to fight religious radicalisa­tion.

"The global fight against terror is not against religions or Muslims, it's a war against hate and violence…we need to check the misinforma­tion groups spread about this," said Abdullah. This misinforma­tion inflames suspicion, said Abdullah.

"Too much of what is heard in news and what is seen about religion today is all about what separates people. Around the world suspicions are inflamed by what different groups don't know about others. Such ideologies of hate distort the word of God to stir conflict," said Jordan's King.

Jordan, he said, is working with the world for peace.

"Jordan is working globally for a dialogue toward peace. The world is one family. However different our countries and people are we have shared responsibi­lity to each other as well as future," said Abdullah.

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 ?? RANJAN BASU/MPOST ?? PM Modi shakes hands with King of Jordan Abdullah ll lbn AL Hussein during king's ceromonial reception while President Ramnath Kovind looks on at Rashtrapat­i Bhawan in Delhi on Thursday
RANJAN BASU/MPOST PM Modi shakes hands with King of Jordan Abdullah ll lbn AL Hussein during king's ceromonial reception while President Ramnath Kovind looks on at Rashtrapat­i Bhawan in Delhi on Thursday

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