Millennium Post

DCW ensures FIR in case of girl forced into flesh trade by aunt


The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has ensured registrati­on of FIR in the case of a girl sold into flesh trade by her aunt.

The matter came to light when a woman had brought the now 16-year-girl – a resident of Odisha's Malkangiri district – to DCW.

She was reportedly brought to Delhi by her maternal aunt in 2013, at the age of 11.

According to DCW, her aunt initially sent her to dance classes in Munirka, gave tuition classes to the girl at her home and then kept her as a babysitter in the house.

One day, the girl was shifted to a house in Safdarjang, where she was forced to have physical relations with a man. Subsequent­ly, the aunt regularly sent her to different men – up to eight a day – for three years.

“According to the girl, she got pregnant once. But her aunt aborted the pregnancy by forcing her to consume some pills. The girl said that she was taken to bars and different hotels in Delhi by her aunt for prostituti­on. Also, the aunt's husband and their domestic help used to repeatedly rape the girl and physically assault her,” claimed DCW.

One day, the girl escaped from her aunt's house and was brought by a lady to DCW.

The Commission took immediate cognisance of the matter and sent a team along with the girl to Safdarjang Enclave. Based on her complaint, Delhi Police eventually registered an FIR under relevant sections of the IPC and POCSO Act.

Her aunt and four other accused were arrested and raids are being conducted at several places to nab other accused.

DCW Chief Swati Jai Hind said, “Delhi has become a hub of human traffickin­g. It is sad that wide-scale prostituti­on rackets are being run in Delhi. Delhi Police should strengthen its informatio­n gathering mechanism. Strictest punishment should be given to perpetrato­rs of such heinous acts."

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