Millennium Post

Convicted person cannot be barred from holding posts in political party: SC told


NEW DELHI: Opposing a plea to restrain people with criminal background from forming or holding any posts in political party, the Centre has told the Supreme Court that a convicted person could not be banned from indulging in political activity.

In an affidavit filed in the apex court on a petition seeking direction to Election Commission not to recognise a political party headed by a convicted person, the Centre said that it was conscious of the need for electoral reform to curb criminalis­ation of politics and such order should not be passed by the court.

“Having regard to the existing provisions of law relating to registrati­on of political part, there does not appear any connectivi­ty and nexus between the situations debarring the persons disqualifi­ed under Representa­tion of People's Act and/or convicted under criminal law from con- testing an election to Parliament or state legislatur­es vis-a-vis debarring such persons from forming or becoming a member of any political party,” the government said in its response.

“Appointmen­t of postholder to a political party is a matter of party autonomy and it may not be apposite to preclude the Election Commission from registerin­g a political party merely because a particular post-holder is not qualifies to contest elections,” it said.

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