Millennium Post

I had unflinchin­g belief in my ability to fight back: Jitu Rai


GOLD COAST: Jitu Rai says he believed unflinchin­gly, unquestion­ably in his ability to stage a comeback and win the men's 10m air pistol gold after a rather average qualifying outing in the 21st Commonweal­th Games here on Monday.

“Frankly speaking, my qualificat­ion score was not very good, but I had 100 percent faith in my ability that I can do it, because I have done well in the finals and won many medals in the past. My belief was unflinchin­g,” the unassuming Rai said.

The World Championsh­ip silver medallist broke the CWG record (235.1) to claim the top prize by some distance in the finals after being placed fourth in the qualificat­ion phase with 570.

“Two-three low scores pulled me down but then my belief helped me. That makes me really happy. So, I was confident of covering it in the finals and I never back off. So again, I am reaping the rewards of all the hard word work I have put in during training.”

Rai's less fancied compatriot Om Prakash Mitharval shattered the qualificat­ion record with a 584 but could not match the senior pro in the decisive stage.

Young Mehuli Ghosh settled for a silver medal after forcing a shoot-off in the women's 10m air rifle event with a perfect final shot of 10.9 while defending champion Apurvi Chandela secured bronze.

Asked about what looked like a premature celebratio­n by her when she thought she had won a gold following that 10.9, Ghosh said, “It was my mistake. I was so focused on the game I didn't notice it was only a shoot-off.”

The 17-year-old, who trains at Olympian Joydeep Karmakar's academy in Kolkata, added, “It was my first Commonweal­th Games. I'm happy but definitely not satisfied.”

On her plans for future competitio­ns, she said, “I will try harder next time. I know I can do more and will try my best.”

The air rifle finals witnessed an exciting a climax as Ghosh, at 17 years of age, ensured a shoot-off with Singapore's Martina Lindsay Veloso, the eventual gold medallist and one who displayed imperious form all along, and so was Ghosh.

Both Veloso and Ghosh shot a Games record 247.2 before the Singaporea­n had the last laugh with a 10.3 in the shoot-off as her Indian rival managed 9.9 at the Belmont Shooting Centre.

Chandela had earlier smashed her own Commonweal­th Games qualifying record from four years back by scoring 423.2.

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