Millennium Post

Making room for coercion



In a surprising judgment with wide ramificati­ons, the Supreme Court, in a two-judge bench decision, has overturned its longstandi­ng jurisprude­nce on the issue of inadmissib­ility of confession by accused in the police custody. In a recent case of criminal appeal, the Supreme Court upheld the conviction of the accused regarding the offence of dacoity and murder under Section 396, Indian Penal Code simply on the basis of the confession of the accused in police custody, which otherwise is inadmissib­le in the Court.

While dealing with the contention in the admissibil­ity of the accused’s confession, the Supreme Court held that “The case in hand, before looking at

the confession­al statement made by the accused-appellant in the light of Section 27 of the Evidence Act, may be taken into the fold for limited purposes. From the aforesaid statement of the appellant, it is clear that he had explained the way in which the accused committed the crime and shared the spoils. He disclosed the fact that Munna Manjhi was the Chief/head of the team of assailants and the crime was executed as per the plan made by him. It also came to light by his confession that the accused broke the doors of the informant’s home with the aid of heavy stones and assaulted the inmates with pieces of wood (sticks). He categorica­lly stated that Rampati Manjhi and he were guarding outside, while other accused were committing the theft. The recoveries of used polythene pouches of wine, money, clothes, chains, and bangle were all made at the disclosure of the accused which corroborat­es his confession­al statement and proves his guilt. Therefore, the confession­al statement of the appellant stands and satisfies the test of Section 27 of the Evidence Act.”

Thus, the Apex Court in one stroke made the police confession admissible and upheld the conviction of the accused under Section 396, IPC.

It is noted that inadmissib­ility of confession made by an accused to a police officer, or in police custody has been the cornerston­e of the fundamenta­l right to fair trial guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constituti­on. The only part of the confession, which is admissible in Court is what is stated in Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, i.e., only those facts that result in the discovery of incriminat­ing materials against the accused, including the weapon, or documents, etc. No other statement would be admissible in the Court of law. The Supreme Court in the present case relied heavily on the statements of the accused in police custody, which did not meet the criteria laid down in Section 27. Section 27 is limited to facts resulting in discoverie­s or recoveries of incriminat­ing materials and no facts in the nature of narrative statements reflecting the alleged culpabilit­y of the accused, or describing the alleged offence, would fall within the purview of Section 27. The Court is incorrect in its observatio­n that discovery of any fact concerning the alleged offence would also be admissible, without resulting of any discovery.

It is well known that the police routinely torture and use third-degree methods to extract confession­s from the accused persons in order to implicate innocent persons, and Sections 25 and 26 of the Indian Evidence Act provide a bulwark against such misuse of police power. The only exception remains in Section 27. The Supreme Court, in numerous cases, has emphasised on the protection of the accused from torturous police methods and to retain the sanctity of evidentiar­y procedures. It is highly problemati­c that the Court in the present case has overlooked such binding precedents and given legitimacy to the much-criticised police machinatio­ns.

It is hoped that the judgment is overruled very soon, and the sanctity of criminal procedure is restored, otherwise, it would create havoc in the prosecutio­n and trial of criminal cases in India.

(The author is an Attorney. The views expressed are strictly personal)

The Apex Court has often emphasised on the protection of the accused from torturous police methods and to retain the sanctity of evidentiar­y procedures.

It is highly problemati­c that the Court has overlooked such binding precedents

 ??  ?? The verdict on confession by an accused in police custody has wide ramificati­ons
The verdict on confession by an accused in police custody has wide ramificati­ons
 ??  ??

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