Millennium Post

Massive 5,000-year-old cemetery found in east Africa... was built by earliest herders


WASHINGTON DC: Scientists have discovered the earliest and largest monumental cemetery in eastern Africa built 5,000 years ago by early pastoralis­ts.

The Lothagam North Pillar Site was built around Lake Turkana in Kenya by a group believed to have had an egalitaria­n society, without a stratified social hierarchy.

The constructi­on of such a large public project contradict­s long-standing narratives about early complex societies, which suggest that a stratified social structure is necessary to enable the constructi­on of large public buildings or monuments.

The Lothagam North Pillar Site was a communal cemetery constructe­d and used over a period of several centuries, between about 5,000 and 4,300 years ago.

According to the researcher­s at Stony Brook University in the US and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany, early herders built a platform approximat­ely 30 metres in diameter and excavated a large cavity in the centre to bury their dead.

After the cavity was filled and capped with stones, the builders placed large, megalith pillars, some sourced from as much as a kilometer away, on top. Stone circles and cairns were added nearby.

An estimated minimum of 580 individual­s were densely buried within the central platform cavity of the site. Men, women, and children of different ages, from infants to the elderly, were all buried in the same area, without any particular burials being singled out with special treatment.

All individual­s were buried with personal ornaments and the distributi­on of ornaments was approximat­ely equal throughout the cemetery, according to the study published in the journal Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences.

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