Millennium Post

Youth stabbed to death after he refused to give bidi without money


NEW DELHI: A 23-yearold youth was stabbed after he refused to give bidi without payment in Najafgadh area on Wednesday. Police claimed that they have apprehende­d the two accused. The incident happened in front of the deceased's mother.

Police sources claimed that a PCR call was received at 12:47 pm on Wednesday regarding stabbing a man with the knife near temple. Police reached the spot and found that blood was lying at the spot and injured was shifted to some unknown hospital. In the meantime, another call was received that the stabbed person who was brought to the hospital in Najafgarh declared dead.

“Upon reaching the hospital, statement of victims mother was recorded. She stated that her son Gaurav has been stabbed by two brothers who live near their shanty and are well known to her. The incident took place when they came for bidi bundle without money,” said the police source. The woman who was at the spot told the cops that she had asked for the money of the things which they had purchased from her shop. One of the accused started an argument and soon Gaurav came to the spot and told them that they will not give the packet to them without money.

“One of the accused held his hand and other took out one knife and attacked him in the chest and then fled the spot,” added the police source. The woman took her son to the hospital where he died. At the time of the incident, the deceased's father was ill and lying on the bed. A case has been registered under sections 302/34 of IPC.

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