Millennium Post

Brick kilns to be closed during winters to curb pollution in Ggn


GURUGRAM: In order to deal with the deadly pollution that surrounds Gurugram during the winters, the district administra­tion is planning to take various measures after its discussion with Environmen­t Pollution (prevention and control) Authority (EPCA).

To begin with, there are plans to close all the brick kilns and diesel generators that are seen to be major causes of pollution. Even though the focus has been on dealing with the pollution in national Capital, its adjoining areas like Gurugram and Faridabad feature among the most polluted cities in the world as stated by the World Health Organisati­on (WHO).

The EPCA is trying to involve agencies that include Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB), Municipal Corporatio­n of Gurugram (MCG) and Gurugram Metropolit­an Developmen­t Authority.

Some of the public officials while speaking to Millennium

Post have mentioned that there are plans to acts sternly against the overloaded vehicles, create more parking spaces and mechanised cleaning of the roads to prevent dust pollution.

In addition to these measures, there are also plans to monitor the industrial units and grade them accordingl­y.

“Gurugram and Faridabad have borne the brunt of pollution owing to various factors. We are now trying to find a solution to the challenges and if required, actions will be taken against the offenders, who contribute in environmen­tal pollution” said an official from Haryana State Pollution Control Board.

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