Millennium Post



VICTORIA: The World AntiDoping Agency (WADA) on Thursday lifted a ban on Russia's anti-doping agency, paving the way for Russian athletes to return to competitio­n across all sports.

“Today, the great majority of WADA'S Executive Committee decided to reinstate RUSADA as compliant with the World Anti-doping Code subject to strict conditions,” WADA president Craig Reedie said.

Reedie said the decision “provides a clear timeline by which WADA must be given access to the former Moscow laboratory data and samples”.

He said that if the commitment was not met, WADA would reinstate the ban on the Russian anti-doping agency.

The decision was taken at a meeting of WADA'S Executive Committee in Victoria, capital of the Indian Ocean island of Seychelles. The Russian government applauded the decision to lift RUSADA'S three-year suspension, saying it was the result of “enormous work” by Russian authoritie­s to improve their procedures.

“We welcome WADA'S decision,” Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying.

“Russia confirms its adherence to the principles of clean sports competitio­n,” she said.

“Over the past years Russia has done enormous work to create transparen­t and understand­able measures to prevent doping,” she said.

She said those measures included criminal prosecutio­n for those who force someone to take banned substances.

But the US anti-doping body USADA called the decision to reinstate the Russian anti-doping body “a devastatin­g blow to the world's clean athletes”.

“In its landmark meeting today, WADA sent one clear message to the world: we put the wishes of a small handful of sports administra­tors above the rights of millions of clean athletes and the dreams of billions of sports fans,” USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart said in a statement.

WADA suspended RUSADA in November 2015 after declaring it to be noncomplia­nt following revelation­s of a vast Russian-backed scheme to avoid drug testers.

A WADA report by Canadian lawyer Richard Mclaren accused Russian authoritie­s of running an elaborate doping programme with the full support of the Russian Ministry of Sport and the Russian secret service (FSB). WADA announced last week that it had received an internal recommenda­tion to lift the suspension of RUSADA.

The softening of WADA'S stance has triggered outrage from athletes and national anti-doping agencies around the world, who have accused WADA of caving in to pressure from the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee.

Leading athletes signed a joint letter this week against the plan to reinstate Russia saying WADA “owe it to all clean athletes to be the guardians of clean sport”.

Jim Walden, the lawyer of Russian doping whistleblo­wer Grigory Rodchenkov,

led the first wave of outcries at Thursday's decision. “WADA'S decision to reinstate Russia represents the greatest treachery against clean athletes in Olympic history,” said Walden, whose client lifted the lid on Russia's doping scandal in 2015.

RUSADA'S reinstatem­ent could have far-reaching implicatio­ns across the sports world.

Most significan­tly, it removes a key obstacle to lifting the suspension of Russia by the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Athletics Federation­s (IAAF), track and field's global governing body.

The IAAF has taken a hardline stance on Russian athletes since the scandal emerged, refusing to lift its ban shortly before the European Championsh­ips.

The IAAF will review Russia's status once more at its council meeting in Monaco in December.

World Anti-doping Agency suspended RUSADA in November 2015 after the doping scandal, which centred on helping Russian athletes win medals at the 2014 Sochi Olympics, was revealed

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