Millennium Post

Love and Light

- +91 7259025200 DEVINA SETHIA

Aries (Mar 21–April 20)

This week is urging you to check whether you’re balanced and grounded. Release them. Trust your instincts. If you’re balanced, your physical body will thrive. Discover and acknowledg­e your passions. Take bold actions towards whatever excites you. Your sexual energies are heightened.

Gemini (May 22– June 21)

It’s time for you to start creating something new, that will feed your happiness. Start planning about how to achieve your goals. It’s the time to create, socialise and nourish yourself. Close friends and family members are there to support you; ask them for help. Add variety to your daily social life.

Leo (July 23–Aug 23)

Trust what you see in your mind’s eye as well as with your physical sight. It is your spiritual vision that will help you with healing, teaching and guidance. Focus on your dreams, they may be trying to tell you something regarding the direction you must choose or advice you may pay heed to.

Libra (Sept 24– Oct 23)

Trust that you and your family are watched over and protected. Changes in the family are indicated. The change can come in the form of pregnancy, birth, a change in living place or situation, health concern, marriage or divorce. In the longer run, changes will always work out for the best.

Sagittariu­s (Nov 23–Dec 21)

All your troubles will end. Although you may not yet see how the issue has been resolved, trust that is has. Let go of your worries and relax with certainty that all is well. Everything is going to turn out fine. If you’ve been facing relationsh­ip issues, know that it is worth fighting for and saving.

Aquarius (Jan 21–Feb 18)

You need to sculpt and redefine your life. You can do this through wakeful dreaming. Take a moment and sit quietly. Let the images, feelings, sounds and smells flow to you. Take a day off. Allow your mind to wander and your imaginatio­n to flow. The messages you receive will be for your greater good.

Taurus (April 21–May 21)

Ascended masters, angels and your ancestors are all taking care of you and are working towards fulfilling your desires. Open your heart and mind to the healing and love that you’re receiving from them. Seek their guidance. Living and wise spiritual teachers are watching over you and guiding you.

Cancer (June 22–July 22)

You will be able to dedicate yourself to your beliefs. Love is the essence of your being. When you combine a strong sense of commitment with a strong sense of self – it sends a message to the Universe that you are engaged and ready for lessons. Wishes and desires will manifest quickly.

Virgo (Aug 24– Sept 23)

Acting is necessary in order for your prayers about your love life to be answered. The angels have opened the doors for you. Ask for spiritual help as you will receive it. Help also might come in the form of your own intuitions such as repetitive thoughts and feelings. Your intuition will guide you right.

Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

Have you been complainin­g or worrying lately? You’ve been using negative affirmatio­ns to describe yourself and your situations. Be more aware of what you say and think. Reduce or eliminate cravings for any stimulant. Use only positive words and thoughts as they’re rapidly manifestin­g into form.

Capricorn ( Dec 22– Jan 20)

The universal law of attraction says that you attract people and situations that have similar intentions to your own. You’ll repel people who have unloving forces. This is why you may find your relationsh­ips and tastes changing. You may avoid old friends or get attracted to new friends and relationsh­ips.

Pisces (Feb 19 –March 20)

Demonstrat­e to yourself that you’re a teacher. Now is the time to be the change you want to see in the world. Being a person of integrity is your goal. You have a passion for everything you do and seeing each day as an opportunit­y to manifest love. You are also blessed with a sense of inner peace.

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