Millennium Post

Japanese journalist kidnapped in Syria defends going


TOKYO: A Japanese journalist held hostage in Syria for more than three years said the media must continue to take risks covering warzones to keep the world's attention focused on those caught up in conflicts.

Jumpei Yasuda, 44, was kidnapped in Syria the same day he entered the country in June 2015, sparking a lengthy ordeal that he described as "hell".

The freelance journalist has faced harsh criticism in some quarters of Japan for venturing into an active warzone.

But he defended himself on Friday during his first press conference in Japan since his release last month.

"When there are things like a violent conflict happening somewhere on earth, there is absolutely a need for journalist­s who will go there and see what is happening," he said.

"You need informatio­n from third parties, not just informatio­n from government­s."

Syria's grinding civil war has cost over 360,000 lives

since it broke out in 2011 and quickly became hugely dangerous for reporters with dozens kidnapped, some of them murdered by their captors.

Yasuda, who had previously reported from Syria's frontlines, said he was not sure whether he would return to the country or cover future warzones. But he said he hoped his high-profile case would draw attention to Syria's civil war.

"I hope people will become interested in what's happening there (in Syria) and what will happen in the future," he said.

Yasuda said he was kidnapped as he crossed into Syria from Turkey along a smuggling route by a group of men who pretended they were there to help him enter the country.

"It was my basic mistake. An unimaginab­le mistake," he said.

He said he was transferre­d multiple times during his ordeal, adding his treatment ranged from tolerable to torturous.

He described being beaten, prevented from moving or making any sound for days on end and being kept in complete isolation.

He even converted to Islam so his captors would let him pray, giving him a rare chance to move around, he said.

But at other stages of his captivity, conditions improved and he was was allowed to watch television, keep a journal and was assured he would not be killed.

When he was first kidnapped, there was speculatio­n he was in the hands of the group formerly known as Al-nusra Front, a former AlQaeda affiliate. But he said the interactio­ns he observed between his captors and AlNusra members suggested he was not in the hands of the group. Al-nusra's current iteration, Hayat Tahrir al-sham, denied any involvemen­t in his kidnapping in a statement after Yasuda's release.

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Jumpei Yasuda

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