Millennium Post

Love and Light


PEOPLE BORN ON 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th

Positive changes are on the way. Challengin­g times will fade away as you prepare to set sails for happier shores. Leave your troubles behind and plot a course for the future. Allow your frustratio­n over past inconvenie­nces or hardships to disappear and embrace the new dawn.

PEOPLE BORN ON 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th

This is the time for spiritual awakening. It is important to have an experience­d teacher to guide you through your divine journey. Take part in initiating things. You will have the faith to withstand any challenge. Due to harsh living conditions, decisions might be taken on a black and white approach.

PEOPLE BORN ON 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th

The world is ready for you to live up to your potential with acts of self expression. You have the courage to express the unique, loving colours of your soul. If you find that you are shying away from people and situations because life has become a struggle, now is the moment for you to draw back the curtain and take centre-stage.

PEOPLE BORN ON 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st

Heaven can see your inner and outer beauty and wants you to appreciate your divine magnificen­ce too. This means that you allow yourself to see the beauty that growing older represents. The more you hold positive thoughts and feelings about the ageing process, the more you will glow with inner peace and sage wisdom.

PEOPLE BORN ON 5th, 14th and 23rd

You have an inner conflict. You’re struggling to decide about your next course of action. You worry whether following your desired path is the right choice and how doing so will impact others. You must be true to yourself. Any path where you compromise your vision will put you out of sync with success, health and happiness.

PEOPLE BORN ON 6th, 15th and 24th

You’re more powerful than you realise. It’s safe for you to be powerful. Your inner power wants to surface. You’ll be able to use this power appropriat­ely. Your family and friends will be proud of you. You will no longer see yourself as a victim. Let go of all blame on yourself and others.

PEOPLE BORN ON 7th, 16th and 25th

You’re about to take a big leap of faith in your life. Unwanted worry will be replaced by bright optimism, while irrational fear will pave the way for hope and prosperity. Stop worrying, joy is coming home to roost. The previous period of challenges and hurdles is coming to a positive end!

PEOPLE BORN ON 8th, 17th and 26th

It’s time to make a change with your exercise program. You should start exercising if you’ve been sedentary. It’s a sign for you to change your fitness regime so that it suits your current lifestyle. Notice the first answer that comes to your mind about changing your workout routine and your answers will be there.

PEOPLE BORN ON 9th, 18th and 27th

If you take action now, you’ll miss a window of opportunit­y that is coming for you. Don’t worry, you will know in your heart and gut when the moment arrives. Till then, meditate and focus on your breath. You’re on the verge of getting new informatio­n that will alter the course of your actions, leading you to a positive direction.

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