Millennium Post

An income drop can HARM BRAIN

Participan­ts reported their annual pre-tax household income every three to five years from 1990-2010


Young adults who experience­d annual income drops of 25 per cent or more might be more at risk of having thinking problems and reduced brain health in middle age, a study said. “Our explorator­y study followed participan­ts in the US through the recession in the late 2000s when many people experience­d economic instabilit­y,” said the study’s

lead author Leslie Grasset from the Inserm Research Centre in France.

“Our results provide evidence that higher income volatility and more income drops during peak earning years are

linked to unhealthy brain ageing in middle age,” Grasset said.

The study published in the journal Neurology, involved 3,287 people who were 23-35 years old at the start of the study and were enrolled in the Coronary Artery Risk Developmen­t in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, which includes a racially diverse population.

Participan­ts reported their annual pre-tax household income every three to five years from 1990-2010. Researcher­s have examined how often income dropped as well as the percentage of change in income between 1990-2010 for each participan­t.

Participan­ts were given thinking

It was found that people with 2 or more income drops had worse performanc­es in completing tasks than people with no income drops

and memory tests that measured how well they completed tasks and how much time it took to complete them.

The study found that people with two or more income drops had worse performanc­es in completing tasks than people with no income drops.

Participan­ts with more income drops also scored worse on how much time it took to complete some tasks.

The results were the same after researcher­s adjusted for other factors that could affect thinking skills, such as high blood pressure, education level, physical activity and smoking.

There was no difference between the groups on tests that measured verbal memory.

Of the study group, 707 participan­ts also had brain scans with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the beginning of the study and 20 years later to measure their total brain volume as well as the volumes of various areas of the brain.

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