Millennium Post

Indian-origin Singaporea­n judge joins Brunei apex court


SINGAPORE: An Indian-origin Singaporea­n judge has been sworn in by Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah as a judicial commission­er of the Supreme Court of the sultanate, a media report said on Monday.

Kannan Ramesh’s appointmen­t is for a two-year period and the 54-year-old Justice will continue to hold his position as a full-time judge of the Supreme Court of Singapore.

“I am humbled by the invitation to be a member of the Brunei Darussalam judiciary. It is an honour and a privilege. I very much look forward to working with (the Brunei Supreme Court’s) Chief Justice Steven Chong and the many august members of the Brunei Bench,” Ramesh said.

As a judicial commission­er of the Supreme Court of Brunei, Justice Ramesh will spend up to a month in Brunei each year to read, hear and write judgments primarily on commercial cases and certain civil ones, The Straits Times reported.

All part-time judges appointed to the Supreme Court of Brunei are designated as judicial commission­ers. This has no bearing on the judge’s seniority nor his jurisdicti­on, powers, duties or authority when hearing cases, the report said.

Welcoming Justice Ramesh’s new appointmen­t, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon said: “This appointmen­t will strengthen cooperatio­n between the two courts and deepen the already close ties between Singapore and Brunei. It will also raise the Singapore’s internatio­nal standing and reputation as a legal and judicial centre.”

In the Singapore Supreme Court, Justice Ramesh was appointed judicial commission­er in May 2015. This is not the first time a Singaporea­n judge has been appointed in a foreign court.

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