Millennium Post

‘Inaction’ by top brass led cops to the doors of PHQ

Thousands of cops gheraoed police headquarte­rs with demands of Action Against ‘lawyers’


NEW DELHI: It is an the unpreceden­ted sight where the protectors of law that is the Police, themselves occupied the place of protest where they always stood guard managing protesting crowds outside the Delhi Police Headquarte­rs.

Tuesday was one such day when thousands of Delhi Police personnel gheraoed their own headquarte­rs with demands for action against ‘lawyers' who attacked a policeman in Saket court.

However, there was strong resentment in the lower ranks against the top brass of the Delhi police for their ‘inaction'. The protesting cops blamed the top officials for failure in protecting their rights, safeguard their interests and making them scapegoats at times of adversitie­s.

Post afternoon, the situation became aggravated and chats of ‘CP sahab, saamne aao' echoed the old Delhi Police headquarte­r building at ITO.

Soon after that, Delhi Police commission­er Amulya Patnaik, came out and tried to pacify the protesters by assuring them action. It was only around 8 pm when the protesters dispersed after the Joint CPS and Special CPS too assured the protesters of necessary action.

“If we are attacked like this, how can you expect the police to impart its duties. The top brass should take a note of it. We are a family and the top cop is its leader, certainly we want concrete steps for our protection. The time for assurances has gone,” said Sub Inspector Kavita Mathur.

CP appealed to protestors to resume work

"We have to behave like a discipline­d force. The government and the people expect us to uphold the law, it is our big responsibi­lity. I urge you to resume duty," CP Delhi Police Amulya Patnaik told the police personnel.

"The last few days have been testing for us. A judicial enquiry is underway and I request you to have faith in the process," he said.

Demands of the protesters The protesting police personnel have made five demands to the Commission­er -- reinstatin­g the suspended police personnel, compensati­ng injured police personnel, strict action against the lawyers, appeal against High Court order in the Supreme Court and verificati­on of lawyers who attacked the police personnel.

Families of policemen hold protest at India gate

The families of the policemen which gathered at PHQ in the day moved to hold a candleligh­t vigil at India gate.

“Why action against the cops has been taken when the inquiry has just been initiated. We want them reinstated,”said a protester.

Cops file 2 FIRS

In the wake of the attack on a police personnel and a civilian outside Saket court, two separate FIRS have been filed by South Delhi police. Both the incidents were captured on cam where the lawyers were seen thrashing the victims.

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