Millennium Post

Mahathir seeks House vote as new PM sworn in


KUALA LUMPUR: Mahathir Mohamad called Sunday for an urgent sitting of Malaysia's Parliament to contest the appointmen­t of a former ally as prime minister under a Malay-majority coalition that could further split the nation following the collapse of Mahathir's multiracia­l reformist alliance.

Muhyiddin Yassin, a seasoned politician who once famously quipped that he is Malay first and Malaysian second, was sworn in as the new leader at the palace Sunday after getting the support of several opposition parties.

Among the supporters was the corruption-tainted United Malays National Organizati­on, which was ousted by Mahathir's Alliance of Hope in a historic vote in 2018.

Muhyiddin, 72, pulled his Bersatu party out of the alliance on Monday, triggering its collapse.

Mahathir resigned as prime minister in protest of the plan that would bring UMNO back to power. After a week of political turmoil, the king said Saturday that he believed Muhyiddin had the majority support of lawmakers and named him the new


But Mahathir's camp has contested that assertion, saying the 94-year-old two-time prime minister has the backing of 114

lawmakers to return as premier for a third time, surpassing the 112 votes needed for a simple majority.

Mahathir said Sunday that the palace had refused to hear him out. He called for an urgent sitting of the lower house of Parliament to test Muhyiddin's claim of majority support. The house is due to resume March 9, but Mahathir said it could be delayed.

People on our side may be offered to be ministers. They may be offered other things," he said.

We feel we have 114, but after the actions taken by these very rich and very powerful people, we may not have the 114, he said.

So the test of the pudding is in the eating; hold the Parliament sitting now.

Already, two of the lawmakers among the 114 have denied supporting Mahathir.

Mahathir said he felt betrayed by Muhyiddin's move and warned that UMNO leaders including ex-prime Minister Najib Razak, who is facing trial on corruption charges, may get off the hook. UMNO is the biggest party in Muhyiddin's new coalition.

The court may find it embarrassi­ng to take action against the government," Mahathir said.

We have seen this happen before during Najib's time when he was able to manipulate the court, change the charges and to a certain extent, influence the decision of the court. I believe if the new government is installed now with Najib in it, this is what is going to happen. Attorney General Tommy Thomas, who oversaw a slew of graft charges against Najib, his wife, Rosmah Mansor, and several UMNO leaders after his appointmen­t by Mahathir, has quit.

An official from the attorney general's office chambers said Thomas tendered his resignatio­n Friday evening and that an an official announceme­nt will be issued this week. The official was not authorized to speak to the media and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Muhyiddin and Mahathir were former members of UMNO who formed Bersatu in 2016 amid anger over a massive corruption scandal involving the 1MDB state investment fund.

Muhyiddin is a longtime politician who served in various ministries during Mahathir's first stint as prime minister for 22 years until 2003. He was appointed as deputy prime minister when Najib took power in 2009 but was sacked in 2015 after he criticised Najib's handling of the 1MDB scandal.

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