Millennium Post

An exclusiona­ry dawn?

AI is set to be a multi-trillion-dollar industry by 2030, but developing economies may fall behind; write Merih Angin & Jack Loveridge


It’s estimated artificial intelligen­ce (AI) will add as much as USD 15.7 trillion (more than Rs 1,214 lakh crore) to the global economy by 2030.

If current trends continue, much of this new wealth will be owned and controlled by corporatio­ns and individual­s based in China and the United States, as well as by the national government­s that represent them. But technologi­cal superiorit­y by great powers undermines the positive potential of AI for the majority of the world’s population, particular­ly in developing economies.

The US and China account for more than 94 per cent of funding for AI startups over the past five years, and half of the world’s hyperscale data centres. The two countries possess roughly 90 per cent of the market capitalisa­tion of the world’s 70 largest digital platforms, controllin­g a large proportion of cross-border data flows.

Along with their allies, the nations that own and control AI platforms and the data that powers them stand to dominate the global economy for decades to come. Experts in the field are also mostly from developed economies. They enjoy a disproport­ionate representa­tion in the industry bodies that develop the standards and technical protocols that shape the internatio­nal regulation­s for AI, often at the expense of the differing needs of developing economies.

Over 160 sets of AI ethics and governance frameworks have so far been developed by policymake­rs, think tanks, and activists. Still, there are no platforms to coordinate these initiative­s, or measures to ensure national government­s align AI regulation­s and norms across internatio­nal boundaries.

The growing divide has implicatio­ns for developing economies getting marginalis­ed by the emerging AI sector.

Establishi­ng a global database to track and monitor emerging AI legislatio­n and regulation­s will capture and compare approaches and debates, particular­ly from developing economies. The Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t’s (OECD) Artificial Intelligen­ce Policy Observator­y, a platform for policy discussion­s on AI, is a promising start but it has to be built upon.

A recently released report from a working group convened by the Paris Peace Forum says an open, internatio­nal dialogue on equitable AI governance could help set up global regulation­s.

These would consider human rights and equal opportunit­ies relevant to the needs of developing economies and address rapidly-increasing socioecono­mic inequality — meeting the challenges of sustainabl­e developmen­t while achieving robust economic growth, and dismantlin­g the enduring structures of colonialis­m.

This dialogue aspires towards a set of universal AI principles developed by a transparen­t, informed, and widely recognised internatio­nal process. They could serve as a reference point for policies and legislatio­n across national contexts and eventually translate into enforceabl­e standards.

For example, it would be sensible for government­s in developing economies to ensure corporate accountabi­lity when they procure AIbased services. Compulsory social impact assessment risk analysis for any AI services offered by foreign corporatio­ns is one solution.

Such approaches, including mandatory source code disclosure­s, can motivate compliance with domestic laws and protect rights while discouragi­ng market abuses. When source code is accessible to the public — and particular­ly to vigilant developers — platform owners are less likely to support designs that permit or profit from illegal activities.

Government­s of developing economies can remedy the widening imbalance between data providers and data collectors by creating incentives for foreign tech companies to invest in domestic research and developmen­t facilities to amplify local AI capabiliti­es.

It is also important to deter ‘brain drain’, where top experts leave their homes to pursue internatio­nal opportunit­ies, by promoting incentives such as funds for innovation and R&D to retain and further develop domestic talent. In an emerging AI economy, an exodus may prove particular­ly detrimenta­l in exacerbati­ng the financial imbalance between developed and developing economies.

The benefits of AI are plenty, but mitigating the potential harm is crucial. An internatio­nal dialogue, focused on results, can create an equitable distributi­on of AI technologi­es.

Views expressed are personal

Government­s of developing economies can remedy the widening imbalance between data providers and data collectors by creating incentives for foreign tech companies to invest in domestic research and developmen­t facilities

 ?? ?? A meaningful internatio­nal dialogue can ensure equitable distributi­on of AI technologi­es across the world
A meaningful internatio­nal dialogue can ensure equitable distributi­on of AI technologi­es across the world

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