Mint Hyderabad


A relationsh­ip between a therapist and a client has an inherent power imbalance in it

- MALIKA NOOR MEHTA Respond to this column at

The therapeuti­c relationsh­ip between a client and their therapist is unique. The client confides in the therapist, sharing their hopes, desires and fears with this individual in a private space. The intimacy of the relationsh­ip might sometimes lead clients to view their therapist in a romantic light, or at least develop a deep sense of admiration for them. While this is not unusual, the occurrence of such emotions sometimes distresses the client, leading to anxiety around therapy. Suddenly, the therapy space is imbued with a sense of confusion or shame — “I should not be feeling this way”. Sensations that are ultimately counterpro­ductive to the therapeuti­c process. In order to avoid this potential rabbit hole, it is important to consider the following question: what do you do if you’re attracted to your therapist?

First and foremost, you do not need to stop seeing your therapist. Instead, it would likely be beneficial to actually confide in them and explain what you are feeling. An experience­d therapist has likely dealt with such situations during their career. In the ideal case, they would respond to your confession without judgement or shock, acknowledg­ing your feelings, listening intently to the emotions you are experienci­ng, and creating a safe space for you to process some of the questions you might be asking, particular­ly “Why am I feeling this way?”

The answer to this question could be multifacet­ed and complex. For instance, if your therapist is doing their job correctly, they are providing you, the client, with a space that you may not have in other realms of your life. The confidenti­ality, trust, honesty and thoughtful­ness of the therapeuti­c relationsh­ip might indeed be special to you, particular­ly if other people in your life have not always been there in that way. If so, it may be worth asking yourself (or allowing your therapist to ask you) some challengin­g questions: Are you unintentio­nally filling a void that exists in your life with your therapist? Are they providing you with a certain emotional stability or maturity that you crave and seek in other relationsh­ips but have not been able to find—be it a parental, friendly or romantic relationsh­ip?

While these are uncomforta­ble questions that require a level of emotional honesty and vulnerabil­ity to answer, they are key to understand­ing where non-platonic feelings for your therapist may have arisen from. In particular, they push you, the client, to address what is called transferen­ce — when a client projects feelings that they have for someone else onto their therapist. The “someone else” may not be an actual person but rather, a desire for a type of relationsh­ip in its ideal form. For instance, a client might realise that they are attracted to how the therapist shows care to them because they were neglected by those in their life who were supposed to actually love them.

In this example, once the client has processed their feelings for their therapist and made this revelation regarding neglect, they might then begin to address how neglect has led to certain defence mechanisms in them, the other patterns they fall into in relationsh­ips, and the subconscio­us ways in which such trauma continues to rear its head. Evidently, when a client bravely admits their feelings to their therapist, it could lead to much deeper therapeuti­c work pertaining to their interperso­nal relationsh­ips, more generally.

While the client’s honesty to the therapist is critical, it is important for the client to enter into this conversati­on with an understand­ing that the therapist cannot and should not reciprocat­e such feelings. In fact, it would be highly unethical for the therapist to do so — a glaring red flag! The American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n’s (APA) ethical code of conduct critically states, “A psychologi­st refrains from entering into a multiple relationsh­ip if the multiple relationsh­ip could reasonably be expected to impair the psychologi­st’s objectivit­y, competence, or effectiven­ess in performing his or her functions as a psychologi­st, or otherwise risks exploitati­on or harm to the person with whom the profession­al relationsh­ip exists.”

The APA addresses the issue of “multiple relationsh­ips’’ between a client and a therapist — relationsh­ips such as friendship or romance — because they could cause deep psychologi­cal harm to the client. This psychologi­cal harm occurs because of the inherent power imbalance in the client-therapist relationsh­ip. The therapist is considered the mental health expert and most often, the client is coming to the therapist for help. As such, a power dynamic is set up quite naturally. Within the therapeuti­c space, there is nothing untoward or unhealthy about this dynamic. Outside the therapeuti­c space, however, this power imbalance could be deeply detrimenta­l to the client. Furthermor­e, if something went amiss in the romance or friendship, the therapeuti­c relationsh­ip would likely end as issues of mistrust or discomfort would likely crop up. As such, the client would not only lose their friend/partner, but also their therapist, the one person they might have confided in.

Evidently, the therapeuti­c relationsh­ip is bounded for several reasons, and these boundaries allow for it to thrive. The therapist is a profession­al and their ability to hold space for a client’s vulnerabil­ities is something they are trained to do. Ultimately, it is the therapist who must gently remind the client of these boundaries, enforce them, and explain that the empathetic space they create for the client should not be mistaken for something more than it is. Simultaneo­usly, the client must recognise and honour the therapist’s profession­alism as they draw these boundaries. It might be easy for ego to cloud a client’s judgement in this moment, but it is important to constantly be reminded that a therapist who does not uphold these boundaries is not acting ethically — even if their actions please the client in the moment.*

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