Mint Hyderabad

Social media age limits are not an effective way to shield kids

We need companies to go by scientific learnings and take action

- LISA JARVIS is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering biotech, health care and the pharmaceut­ical industry.

Momentum has been building to force social media companies to make their products safer for kids. But some solutions, while well intended, don’t address the underlying problem: the way these apps prey on developing brains.

A report from the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n (APA) highlights solutions that follow the science. That’s an important message because if we want to see meaningful improvemen­ts, we need to focus on what’s actually causing the harm. That’s not necessaril­y the age of children on social media—the focus of many policy efforts— but the products’ features, and how those features affect young minds.

As the APA report points out, the teen brain is still learning skills like impulse control, planning and prioritiza­tion. That makes them especially vulnerable to infinite scrolls or the pull of followers, ‘likes’ and ‘shares.’ And some teens are particular­ly susceptibl­e to harmful content or bad actors.

The brief list of recommenda­tions from the APA follows its social media advisory from last year, which demanded better science about how platforms like TikTok and Instagram affect kids’ brains. But some of the responses from policymake­rs and thought leaders were not always aligned with the science, says Mitch Prinstein, the APA’s chief science officer. Too much of the policy focus narrowed to a simple idea: age limits.

But drawing a bright line on age is not a cure-all. Turning 13 (or for that matter, 16) does not make someone magically capable of handling the responsibi­lities of social media. Conversely, some children might have the maturity to navigate those platforms before they are 13.

Moreover, the age limits we already have are not working. Tweens and teens are notoriousl­y more tech-savvy than their parents. They excel at finding workaround­s to age restrictio­ns on apps and time limits on devices.

“There aren’t simple solutions to a complex problem,” says Dave Anderson, a clinical psychologi­st at the Child Mind Institute. Social media isn’t going anywhere, and teens are going to use it. “We need to tailor our solutions to the risks [identified by] the science, rather than the risks amplified by the zeitgeist,” he says.

What could that look like? Prinstein offered a template for safer social media accounts that sounded pretty good to this parent of a tween. “I would love to enter my child’s age and have all of the guardrails automatica­lly put into place,” he says. The default would be to protect a child’s data, turn off the endless scroll, disable likes, and bar certain types of sensitive content, such as things like cyberhate, explicit content or posts that encourage eating disorders. Those settings could be tweaked for more mature children. “It doesn’t seem like a lot to ask,” he adds.

Age limits alone are too blunt a solution. Yes, policymake­rs have always needed to make somewhat arbitrary choices about when kids are ready for certain responsibi­lities, whether that’s driving a car or accessing Snapchat. But some kids can benefit from access to social media. And yet solutions to its inherent faults have focused on banning access altogether or putting the onus on parents to muddle through.

As I’ve written before, parents play an essential role in their children’s transition into a healthy digital life. But even the most diligent parents cannot navigate this environmen­t alone. We need social media companies to step up—not in the form of token changes, but with substantiv­e modificati­ons to their platforms that address what the science shows is a problem.

Another thing that social media companies need to do: Share their data on how kids are using their platforms. Progress towards real transparen­cy feels frustratin­gly slow. Earlier this year, the Center for Open Science in the US announced a partnershi­p with Meta to facilitate certain researcher­s to access data that could help them better understand the relationsh­ip between social media and well-being. That’s a start, if a small one.

Companies could accelerate this research into the ways social media is used by and affecting kids. They could offer up data from experiment­s they have already run on how to engage teens with their products. Surely, they know a lot about which features make their products even more problemati­c for teens. They should disclose them and fix them.

If we focus on the easiest fixes rather than the more nuanced solutions indicated by the science, nothing will change. Social media companies only seem interested in doing just enough to keep their CEO out of the Congressio­nal hot seat. Lawmakers seem interested only in symbolic political victories. Parents need to keep advocating for real reform.

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ISTOCKPHOT­O Research on how social media impacts kids must be stepped up
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