Mint Kolkata

Why it’s time to drop the ball on perfection­ism at work

Employees who take on work beyond their job roles are glorified. But this impacts one’s wellbeing and productivi­ty

- Geetika Sachdev Write to us at businessof­

Practice makes a man perfect—that’s the mantra Mumbai’s Preeti Kukreja has lived by since she passed out of college in 2011. But she insists, over the years, her desire for “perfection­ism” has only brought down her productivi­ty. “To be honest, my obsession with perfection­ism has caused delays in my delivery,” says the 34-year-old who works in an advertisin­g agency. “I want to put my best foot forward because of which I end up staying long hours at work even over the weekend. I check my work a million times before submitting it to my manager. In advertisin­g, pushing out campaigns quickly is key. I constantly question myself and take longer than I should.”

Our society hinges on the culture of perfection­ism, with the education system giving preferenti­al treatment to those with high grades. At work, those who strive to take on more work beyond their job roles are glorified. Perfection­ism stems from the cultural and societal internatio­nalisation of the fear of failure, says Delhi-based Akanksha Chandele, a trauma-informed counsellin­g psychologi­st and founder of I Am Wellbeing, an organizati­on dedicated to trauma healing and prevention. “People cling to perfection­ism because they don’t know any other way of living. Whether a child is scolded for getting lower grades or rewarded excessivel­y for scoring well, the message that is passed on is that getting good grades will bring acceptance and love,” she says. “The child grows up to be the adult in the corporate world who strives to achieve that same level of acceptance and eventually becomes the employer who rewards the same excellence.”

Kolkata’s Parth Chatterjee, 37, who works as a sales lead in a multinatio­nal, has frequent bouts of anxiety, especially after he submits any task to his boss. The fear that his mistakes may bring down his credibilit­y in the company has been giving him sleepless nights. “I have no one else to blame but myself. If I make an error, I go to extreme lengths to question myself—it’s almost as if I fear losing my job,” he says. “I have had multiple chats with my manager, who has largely been supportive, but it’s people who are workaholic­s who get the highest incentives. They are the ones who eventually get rewarded.”

While perfection­ism has been idolized, it is a beguiling trap, particular­ly in the corporate world, says Dr Mamta Mohapatra, professor and head of organizati­onal behaviour area at the Internatio­nal Management Institute in Delhi. “For employees, this pursuit can be mentally taxing as the relentless quest for the unattainab­le breeds stress, anxiety, and a detrimenta­l impact on well-being. The incessant pressure to deliver perfect work can erode job satisfacti­on and self-worth, leading to burnout,” she says.

While some degree of perfection­ism may bring results, it is important for employees to foster a work culture that values progress over perfection.

“There’s no denying that perfection­ism ostensibly sets the stage for excellence— perfection­ism, when positioned as an ideal goal, overlooks the importance of timeliness, creating an imbalance where deadlines are frequently not met due to an* exaggerate­d emphasis on detail,” she says. That’s why employers need to recognize the detrimenta­l effects that the pursuit of perfection­ism has on employee well-being and productivi­ty.

“Excessive pursuit of perfection can hinder productivi­ty, elevate stress, and hamper innovation,” says Piyali Bandopadhy­ay, people experience and operations manager at US-based Progress, an infrastruc­ture software company, with offices in Hyderabad, Bengaluru and New Delhi. “By setting realistic goals, fostering open communicat­ion, and providing feedback, companies are encouragin­g employees to prioritise growth and developmen­t over immaculate outcomes.”

Work can be inherently associated with an individual’s identity and selfworth. To help deal with this, it’s essential to acknowledg­e not just the wins but also everyday tasks and challenges, advises Chandele. At the same time, employees at all levels need to reflect on their emotions. She says, “Be a witness to yourself, your struggles and achievemen­ts and also to those around you. Acknowledg­e the efforts of each individual while making them feel seen because, at the end of the day, we all just want a witness, to our pains or our joys.”

Employers, too, can adopt certain strategies that promote a balanced approach that encourages good work while supporting employees’ well-being, creativity, and growth, mentions Hyderabad-based Gunjandeep Kaur, director (human resources) business partner at Model N, a US-based cloud-based platform offering revenue management solutions for high-tech and life sciences industries. “Encouragin­g employees to embrace a growth mindset where they see challenges as opportunit­ies for growth and learning rather than fixed limitation­s is crucial,” she says.

They can also enforce practical measures like offering constructi­ve feedback and valuing effort over results to help move focus from perfection to progress. “Utilizing project management tools that provide real-time feedback can help employees adjust their work promptly and avoid the last-minute rush to perfect a project,” recommends Dr Mohapatra.

Besides, employers must set realistic expectatio­ns for tasks and projects apart from encouragin­g open communicat­ion.

“Today’s employer is yesterday’s employee and today’s employee is tomorrow’s employer. It starts with the identifica­tion of one’s ideologies. Bring in curiosity about what can be done differentl­y. Slow implementa­tion with regular checkins with self and others goes a long way,” says Chandele.


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