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SMS traffic back to nearly 1 bln/day under new system to check pesky messages


The mobile SMS traffic in India has reportedly reached close to a billion Smses per day, similar to the levels before the new regime was implemente­d on april 1, thus showing increased adaptabili­ty to the blockchain technology-based system to filter pesky messages. The volume of Smses delivered per day had declined almost 30% to 700 million in the first week of april as business entities held back on sending promotiona­l Smses to avoid failures. But now that the traffic has reached almost normal levels, experts expect the SMS channel to grow beyond 1 billion as Covid-led restrictio­ns make it the most relevant choice for marketing needs of enterprise­s. “a big change like DLT (distributo­r ledger technology) was well adopted in a few weeks by businesses which tells you that SMS still has a long way to sustain,” said reports quoting aniketh Jain, chief revenue officer of telemarket­ing firm Kaleyra.

“No doubt that SMS is still the go-to channel for businesses, given the digital wave which has accelerate­d the power of communicat­ion across SMS, rich-media messages and voice. Festivity and sporting activities have fuelled SMS consumptio­n across soon taking it back to 1 billion,” Jain said. as consumers rebound to their homes amid the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be faster adoption of digitizati­on in areas like payments, e-learning, e-commerce, e-health and gaming. according to executives close to blockchain operations of telecom companies, the banking and financial services industry, education and healthcare are currently the largest and fastest growing contributo­rs to daily SMS volumes. “although there is significan­t growth coming from large enterprise­s, unfortunat­ely, the DLT system has washed away 10-15% of the traffic from small businesses, who still need hand-holding to adopt the new technology,” one telco executive was quoted as saying on condition of anonymity.n

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