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Amar Chitra katha


This is for children of all ages. Dubbed as ACK Comics, the app offers more than 300 titles on personalit­ies such as akbar, Chanakya, Jawaharlal Nehru and JRD Tata to users. The app has been developed by app9 Digital Studio, the digital division of Ninestars Informatio­n Technologi­es Pvt. Ltd. The digital comic is available in a flip-book mode as well as panel-by-panel mode which is convenient for smaller devices. Users can download and read their comics on multiple devices using a single user account. amar Chitra Katha is one of India’s oldest and most loved comic series.

Storytelle­r to generation­s of Indians, the ACK in collaborat­ion with the ministry of Urban Developmen­t last year came out with a special edition of a comic book focusing on Swachh Bharat mission. The 36-page edition based on a story telling format having five narratives also refers to how Chandragup­ta maurya’s trusted minister Chanakya had a list of fines for crimes that included defecating or urinating in public places. Higher fines were imposed for doing the same near temples, the royal palace or a water reservoir. In the first elaborate story on the traditions of cleanlines­s in the country, story-telling ‘uncle anant’ narrates to kids how in Vedas, the relation between diseases and poor hygiene was highlighte­d and manusmriti prescribed the need for a clean body for a clean mind and clean community. The publicatio­n also includes true stories about elaborate systems for ensuring sanitation as early as 2,500 years ago during the Indus Valley Civilisati­on.

The ACK is also working with game developers to tell stories that are in tune with the times, in an interactiv­e fashion.

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