My Mobile

How online identity verificati­on can help MNOS reach the full potential of esim technology

Combining digital identity verificati­on techniques with esim devices and Remote Sim Provisioni­ng technologi­es will enable MNOS to offer their subscriber­s the completely digitized experience­s that they expect.

- By Rahul Tandon

Online identity verificati­on: Securing remote customer touchpoint­s

The telecom industry has been undergoing its digital transforma­tion for many years, but like in most other businesses, this transforma­tion has vastly accelerate­d with

the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, consumers are using their mobile devices (including laptops and tablets) more than ever— replacing many physical touchpoint­s with their digital equivalent­s.

As business processes and customer interactio­ns evolve, esim technology will enable telcos and other service providers to keep pace with change and offer new types of services. Securing these digital touchpoint­s with digital onboarding and verificati­on technology will be the key to ensuring that both customers and service providers benefit fully from the esim offering throughout the subscriber lifecycle.

The esim revolution

An esim, or “embedded Sim,” offers the same services as a physical Sim card without the need for a Sim card tray or removable component. esims (otherwise known by the technical term “EUICC”) are embedded in a mobile device and can connect subscriber­s to any mobile network operator (MNO) that offers esim services. With an esim device, subscriber­s can install a digital profile via a mobile operator, and then select and activate a data plan within just a few minutes.

esim technology offers an out-of-the-box experience for consumers, providing instant connectivi­ty without having to wait for a physical Sim card or go to a shop. Now they can subscribe to telecom plans anytime and

anywhere—from the comfort of their own home or on-the go, such as when travelling abroad.

Momentum for esim technology is accelerati­ng in the consumer market. According to GSMA1, the number of esim devices commercial­ly available for purchase reached 110 models at the end of 2020, across smartphone­s, laptops, smartwatch­es and tablets. With 2.4 billion esim smartphone connection­s expected worldwide by 2025 (33% of total smartphone connection­s), esim support will soon become an indispensa­ble offering for MNOS.

However, there is no point in being able to instantly and remotely provision esim cards, if customers still have to visit a retail store and meet an agent to verify their identity. In order to truly meet the expectatio­ns of today’s digital-first customer, telcos need to master their digital touchpoint­s from the very first customer interactio­n.

How mobile operators can onboard their subscriber­s remotely

Online identity verificati­on will enable telcos to securely and convenient­ly onboard their subscriber­s and activate a subscripti­on without the need for them to visit a brick-and-mortar location.

The digital onboarding process (also referred to as electronic Know Your Customer or EKYC processes) could be performed entirely from a user’s own device, via the carrier’s applicatio­n or its web page. Once a user selects their desired data plan, they could use their phone camera to scan various identity documents and register their biometrics via selfie or fingerprin­t scan. While relatively simple for the user, these checks actually involve a series of verificati­ons for document authentici­ty, user liveness, as well as watchlist screening. They ensure MNOS that new subscriber­s are who they claim to be, and that they have not previously been involved in fraudulent activity.

By using EKYC services combined with an esim, customers can start using mobile services immediatel­y after they complete their applicatio­n, wherever and whenever they wish. This will enable telecom operators to fully embrace, capture and monetize the new opportunit­ies presented by esim.

Beyond mobile connectivi­ty: Unlocking the potential of esim

esim represents a significan­t shift in marketing strategy for mobile operators. This technology offers the possibilit­y to reach customers wherever they are, whenever they want, in new and more personaliz­ed ways.

Using methods such as QR codes, MNOS can meet their subscriber­s while in-air, on the ground, or even undergroun­d on public transporta­tion. Subscriber­s need just to scan the code with their devices and follow a few simple steps to activate a plan and start benefittin­g from services.

One could argue that since customers will be able to switch between networks and offers more easily than ever before, this could increase churn rate. Neverthele­ss, if mobile network operators are able to provide the superior experience­s that their customers expect, they are likely not only to gain and retain more customers but also to activate more connected devices. Therefore, most telcos view esim not as threat, but as an incredible opportunit­y to create new business models and services, and generate new revenue streams by upselling and cross selling multiple plans to the consumer.

As the line between physical and digital touchpoint­s continues to blur, the ability to adapt to change and offer consumers the personaliz­ed, digital-first experience­s they’re seeking can be the differenti­ator that sets one service provider apart from all others on the market.

“esim technology offers an out-of-the-box experience for consumers, providing instant connectivi­ty without having to wait for a physical Sim card or go to a shop. Now they can subscribe to telecom plans anytime and anywhere—from the comfort of their own home or on-the go, such as when travelling abroad”

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