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Twitter’s edit feature will let users see tweet history


Twitter is constantly working to improve its features, giving users the ease to share their opinions more creatively. Following the same idea, Twitter came up with its long-awaited Edit tweet feature, where users can directly rectify their errors rather than write a whole new tweet. However, there are some strings attached to it. Reportedly, the new edit tweet button is likely to leave a digital trace of the tweet’s history. It is confirmed by the developer Jane Manchun Wong in a tweet that says, “Looks like Twitter’s approach to Edit Tweet is immutable, as in, instead of mutating the Tweet text within the same tweet (same ID), it re-creates a new Tweet with the amended content, along with the list of the old Tweets prior to that edit.” App researcher Alessandro Paluzzi also tweeted out screenshot­s of the new edit button, teasing us with the feature’s possible look when it’s live on Twitter. In one screenshot, Paluzzi shows how the ‘Edit Tweet’ option could appear in the three-dot menu on the right side of your tweets.

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