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Eclipse Foundation invites tech leaders for collaborat­ion on softwarede­fined vehicles


The Eclipse Foundation, along with multiple industry leaders including Bosch, Microsoft and others, has announced an open invitation for technology leaders to help define a new working group focused specifical­ly on the software-defined vehicle.

The ultimate goal will be the creation of a vendor-agnostic, open source ecosystem with a vivid, contributi­ng community focused on building the foundation for a new era in automotive software developmen­t. This announceme­nt serves as a “call to action” for all interested parties to join this initiative and help shape the future of mobility.

Today, next-generation vehicle developers are turning to softwareba­sed solutions for their new designs. The foundation believes this will lead to an open source revolution that results in software-defined vehicles. These vehicles will enable vehicle manufactur­ers as well as automotive suppliers to put software at the very centre of vehicle developmen­t, with hardware considerat­ions to follow.

“We’re very excited to develop this new effort here at the Eclipse Foundation. Although we have extensive roots with the automotive community, a project of this scope and scale has never been attempted before,” said Mike Milinkovic­h, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. “This initiative enables participan­ts to get in at the ‘ground level’ and ensure they each have an equal voice in this project.”

To support the transforma­tion to software-defined vehicles, major players from the technology industry as well as the automotive industry are being encouraged to collaborat­ively develop an open source in-vehicle applicatio­n runtime stack, cloud-based vehicle operations, as well as highly integrated developmen­t toolchains.

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