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ActiveStat­e makes its secure build service available


ActiveStat­e has announced the availabili­ty of its secure build service. According to the company, this is a key component of the ActiveStat­e Platform and implements the most Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts

(SLSA) Level 4 controls of any publicly available build platform. SLSA, as defined by, is “a security framework, a checklist of standards and controls for preventing tampering, improving integrity, and securing packages and infrastruc­ture in your projects, businesses, or enterprise­s. It’s how you go from being safe enough to being as resilient as possible at any point along the chain.”

According to the findings of ActiveStat­e’s Supply Chain Security survey, far too many organisati­ons (of all sizes) continue to implicitly trust open source language repositori­es, despite the fact that they provide no assurance of security or integrity for the millions of thirdparty software assets they provide to software developers.

The ActiveStat­e Platform secure build service implements the controls for generating SLSA level 4 artefacts for open source components. ActiveStat­e combines these controls with its proprietar­y open source management capabiliti­es to provide comprehens­ive software supply chain security, which includes automated, tamper-proof builds of open source language dependenci­es, including native libraries, from source code.

The ActiveStat­e Platform secure build service adheres to SLSA Level 4 standards, allowing DevOps to significan­tly reduce the risk and cost of securing their software supply chain, while ensuring the security and integrity of the products and services they develop.

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