OpenSource For You


Amazon abolishes this freedom with a backdoor. We know about these backdoors by observatio­n. In 2009, users observed that Amazon remotely deleted thousands of copies of a particular book. These were authorised copies, until they were wiped off by Amazon. The book was 1984 by George Orwell. The official name of the product is Kindle. Kindle means to start a fire. Evidently, this product was designed to burn our books— so don’t let it happen! Don’t ever use that product, or anything like it. Qyou

have been reported to have said, “I am glad Jobs is gone.” People did not really understand what you meant. Please explain. People distorted what I said. I said it’s not good that he is dead, but it’s good that he is gone. The reason I said it was because he was an evil genius, who did harm to the world. He figured out how to make computers that were prisons for the users, and he made them attractive, so that many users got attracted to the glamour, to be handcuffed. After he did this, Microsoft started doing the same thing. So he changed the world for the worse, and we are still fighting the harm that he did. That’s the reason for what I said. Of the various things that Jobs did, that one is the most important, and he is a big harm to the world. I am glad he is not able to do any more of this. I hope that his successors will be less successful than him. Qwhy

don’t you use a cell phone? Because cell phones can track my location or my conversati­on with anyone. Most cellular phones, even if they are not smartphone­s, do have a processor running software and that (proprietar­y) software is malware, because it will send informatio­n about its users’ locations on remote command—and it has a backdoor, so it can be remotely converted into a listening device. Almost all software has bugs—but this software is itself a bug.

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