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First, let us run the server program, which will listen on port 7400 (you can change this in the code). Now, when all the other systems boot, they will automatica­lly run the client program with root privileges (since we have added the client initiator script start. sh into start-up applicatio­ns). As we are demonstrat­ing the system, let the bot run in the foreground—but in real deployment scenarios, it will be run as a daemon process.

As the client executes a run, it will automatica­lly connect to the server and wait for commands. When it receives commands, it will execute them. Figure 1 shows the server start up and issue commands (here, I named it ilinuxbot). Figure 2 shows the client receiving and executing commands. version, the ability to interact with a specific single computer is not implemente­d, but it can be overcome by installing and running the SSH daemon on all machines.

All commands that don’t need iterative user interactio­n, such as yum or reboot, can be executed successful­ly from this system. We will extend support to other commands and also create a GUI interface in the next article.

As this is my first article, I would also like to hear your views on it. Do send me a mail in case of any queries or suggestion­s. (Here, I would like to express my gratitude to Ankit Sharma for his contributi­on to this article.)

Keep thinking in open and odd ways—that’s what a techno-freak is meant to do. Long live FOSS…

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