OpenSource For You

Why use Web technologi­es?


The World Wide Web has come a long way. Though there is standardis­ation of Web technologi­es such as HTML, different browser vendors are divided with respect to support. Some vendors have introduced proprietar­y features in browsers, leaving many websites incompatib­le, or inconvenie­ncing programmer­s because of the need for additional coding and testing. The most common banner on websites, for a while, was, “Works only in IE”. This was the situation with desktop-based browsers.

The Android browser uses WebKit as its rendering engine, which is close to W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standards, and is making Open Web adoption a reality. An appeal from the W3C, regarding the HTML5 series of technologi­es, is to eliminate incompatib­ilities between browsers. With WebKit-based browsers compatible across Android and iOS-based devices, the majority of the both developers and users.

The HTML5 series of technologi­es is a big leap forward in standardis­ation, and the W3C acknowledg­es that the current shipping versions of all major browsers have good support for key HTML5 features. Mobile gaming, major news features, for a better user experience. HTML5, in combinatio­n with JavaScript and CSS3, brings the mobile Web experience close to native apps.

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