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Adaptxt beta version 1.0 for Android tabs


KeyPoint Technologi­es, a pioneer in developing innovative user-interface products that target a wide range of mobile and connected platforms, has announced the launch of Adaptxt beta version 1.0 for Android Tablets. Powered by Predictive Text 2.0, it is designed to learn and adapt to the writing styles of users, and allows them to write more with minimal keystrokes. It provides highly accurate and relevant text prediction, errorcorre­ction and auto-correction inputs by combining the best RI DUWLfiFLDO LQWHOOLJHQ­FH DQG computing technology.

Users can now choose between split and standard keyboard layouts; the Adaptxt keyboard for tablets has a new ‘ergonomica­lly’ designed keyboard layout, which makes typing with WZR KDQGV D EUHHzH. 7KH UHSRVLWLRQ­DEOH VXJJHVWLRQ EDU KDV EHHQ VSHFLfiFDO­Oy designed for heads-up and heads-down users and can be adjusted according to the user’s preference.

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