OpenSource For You

Get tuned with Google Ears


0XVLF DfiFLRQDGR­V KDvH DOO WKH UHDVRQ WR EH RQ D KLJK. 7KH QHDW QHZ IHDWXUH RI Jelly Bean, called Google Ears, which is basically a sound search, listens to music playing in your surroundin­gs and tells you what you’re listening to. This Jelly Bean update can be used on all ICS devices and ROMs.

Google Ears will not only listen to a song for you, but also bring up the artist, album and a direct link to the Google Play Store so that you can buy it. It seems to work just as quickly as other music listening services such as SoundHound and Shazam, the Android community reports.

Google Ears does not offer any history or previous tags like its competing apps do, but the direct one click link to the Play Store to buy the song is quite interestin­g. Also, anyone with an ICS device or ICS ROM can avail the Google Ears services.

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