OpenSource For You

Beta version of VLC player in Google Play on your platter


7KH 9/& PRELOH WHDP KDV fiQDOOy UHOHDVHG WKH EHWD vHUVLRQ RI WKH 9/& SODyHU on Google Play Store. It was a much-awaited release, but the not-so-good news is that it’s not meant for all of us. The VLC team says that the beta version of the app, dubbed as Neon, is available only for devices powered by ARMv7 processors. However, the team has assured that other devices will be supported by other applicatio­ns.

VLC is a free and open source multimedia player, DQG LV FDSDEOH RI RSHQLQJ MXVW DQy PHGLD fiOH. 2QH added advantage is that it offers an audio-video media library, which has full search capabiliti­es. It also offers support for network streams, subtitles and HLS. Since it is the beta version, the developers have FODULfiHG WKDW LW LV XQVWDEOH DQG VORZ, DQG DOVR QHHGV performanc­e improvemen­ts and UI facelift. Also, it will work with only a limited set of hardware.

6RPH RI WKH IHDWXUHV WKDW LW EULQJV LQFOXGH: SODyLQJ RI vLGHR DQG DXGLR fiOHV like in the desktop version of VLC, widget for audio control and support for audio headsets.

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