OpenSource For You

An Android healthcare smartphone for you


LifeWatch V is the latest offering from LifeWatch Technologi­es, Israel, which can help you check your body temperatur­e, blood glucose and perform a 25-VHFRQG (&G. 7KH FRPSDQy WRXWV LW DV WKH fiUVW KHDOWKFDUH VPDUWSKRQH.

LifeWatch Technologi­es has paid a lot of attention to the hardware of the GHvLFH, DSDUW IURP WKH VRIWZDUH. ,W KDV XVHG VSHFLfiF VHQVRUV IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI medical testing. It also stores the health data of individual­s on the cloud so that a comparison with medical history is possible, whenever required. Users can also share the data with any external source via an e-mail or a message.

The smartphone has some integrated apps for setting the medication reminders, planning a diet and monitoring exercise logs. LifeWatch has also provided callcentre support, which offers users expert medical help whenever they ask for it. These services, including diet and exercise planning, are offered at a premium.

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