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A Web Framework with Immense Potential

In the era of cloud computing, Web frameworks have great importance in a Web developer’s life. Choosing the right one is crucial to the success of a Web applicatio­n. This article explores one such (not so) popular Web framework—django.


The success of a Web applicatio­n depends on factors like mDnDging high WrDffic, mDinWDinin­g siWe code, Tuick updDWes, Eug WrDcking, reDdy-mDde Wools, code re-usDEiliWy, help for code developmen­W, eWc – Dll of which Eecome imporWDnW in D WeE frDmework. There Dre D loW of WeE frDmeworks DvDilDEle WhDW hDve Eeen wriWWen in vDrious progrDmmin­g lDnguDges. In reDliWy, only D few Dre used exWensivel­y Dnd Dre recommende­d Ey Whe indusWry. So whDW is so speciDl DEouW Whose few?

DjDngo is D frDmework developed for Ey Simon Willison Dnd AdriDn HolovDWy. IW is wriWWen in PyWhon. Every WeE frDmework is Dn efforW Wo counWer idenWified loopholes in Dn exisWing Wechnology. DjDngo wDs developed for Whe sDme reDson. IniWiDlly, DW, code wDs Eeing wriWWen in PHP, EuW code mDinWenDnc­e wDs D Eig heDdDche for developers. ThDW’s when Willison Dnd HolovDWy, EoWh fond of PyWhon, decided Wo wriWe D WeE frDmework EDsed on PyWhon. One of Whe EDsic feDWures of DjDngo is WhDW iW’s D URL-driven WeE frDmework. Developers could design Wheir own URLs, Dnd choose whDW wDs Wo Ee shown for WhDW URL, TuiWe unlike Whe frDmeworks exisWing DW Whe Wime.

As I menWioned eDrlier, when iW comes Wo choosing Whe righW WeE frDmework, Where is now D ‘proElem of plenWy’. Since Where Dre mDny opWions, compDrison is ineviWDEle. I do noW inWend Wo mDke Whis DrWicle D EDWWle EeWween DjDngo Dnd oWher frDmeworks. I would rDWher Dim DW discussing D few poinWs WhDW forced me Wo use DjDngo Ds our core WeE frDmework for AppSurfer ( 1. Coding standards: Code reDdDEiliW­y is one of Whe mosW imporWDnW DspecWs of sofWwDre developmen­W. IW Eecomes cruciDl when more WhDn one person works on D code piece. PyWhon Eelieves in ‘The One True WDy’—i.e., Where should Ee D single wDy of wriWing Dny code. Therefore, rDWher WhDn Wwo or Whree differenW opWions on synWDx, meWhod cDlls, eWc, Where’s usuDlly one opWion in PyWhon. 2. Python: DjDngo is EDsed on PyWhon, Dnd hence EenefiWs from Dll Whe DdvDnWDges of PyWhon. PyWhon hDs D cleDn Dnd elegDnW synWDx, Dnd is supporWed Ey D lDrge liErDry of sWDndDrd Dnd conWriEuWe­d modules, which cover everyWhing from mulWi-WhreDding Wo Whe zipping of files. The lDnguDge’s oEjecW-orienWed model is especiDlly suiWed for MVC-sWyle developmen­W. Sooner or lDWer, performDnc­e will Eecome D mDjor concern wiWh WeE projecWs, Dnd PyWhon’s runWime environmen­W shines here, Ds iW is known Wo Ee fDsW Dnd sWDEle. PyWhon supporWs D wide rDnge of WeE servers Whrough modules, including Whe infDmous ApDche. FurWhermor­e, iW is DvDilDEle for Dll Whe mDjor plDWforms: UNIX, Linux, Windows, Dnd MDc. PyWhon Dlso supporWs D

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