OpenSource For You

The aim of an integrated developmen­t environmen­t (IDE) is to give you, the developer, support and help while building applicatio­ns. This article demonstrat­es how to set up Zend Studio, a PHP IDE, in Linux. It also explains how to quickly set up Zend Serve


Before we begin, I assume that you have already installed any one of the following popular Linux distros— Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, etc. I tried this on Fedora 16 with Apache for the Web server, MySnL as the database server, and PHP for server-side scripting (i.e., the LAMP stack). Since yRX FDQ fiQG PDQy DrWLFOHV RQ WhH 1HW DERXW FRQfigXrLQ­g /A03 on your system, I’m skipping this part.

As mentioned on Zend’s website, “Zend Studio is the only Integrated Developmen­t Environmen­t (PHP IDE) available for profession­al developers, providing the capabiliti­es needed to develop business applicatio­ns.” So you get an editor to play ZLWh 3H3, ZLWh qXLFk fiOH PDQDgHPHQW, VPDrW LQWHOOL6HQ­VH, code refactorin­g and many other features, including PDQDgHPHQW RI C66 DQG -DYD6FrLSW fiOHV. 7hLV ZLOO WDkH yRX to the next level in PHP Web applicatio­n developmen­t.

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