OpenSource For You

Some post-installati­on configurat­ion


Every time you restart your Zend Server, you will get the following message in the terminal: httSG: cRulG nRt UeliDEl\ GeteUmine the VeUveU’V Iull\ TuDlifieG domain name, using fe80::221:ff:fec9:de31 for servername

7R VROYH WhLV SrREOHP, DGG WhH IROORZLQg OLQH WR /etc/httpd/ conf (the location may vary depending on the distributi­on). Put the name of your server host in the brackets; in my case, it is localhost:

ServerName [server name]

Restart Zend Server, and there you go! You have set up the Zend PHP IDE with Zend Server.

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