OpenSource For You

The basics


Before diving into applicatio­n design, I will introduce you to VRPH LPSRUWDnW FRnfiJuUDW­LRn fiOHV WhDW dHfinH WhH DSSOLFDWLR­n behaviour.

Databases.yml: /HW’V dHfinH WhH dDWDEDVH IRU WhH SURMHFW (WhH username, password and other basic details). katurally, you VhRuOd FRnfiJuUH WhLV fiUVW EHIRUH VWDUWLnJ dHYHORSPHn­W. )Lnd WhH details in the Project > Source )iles > Config folder. Here is FRnWHnW IURP D VDPSOH fiOH:

all: doctrine: class: sfDoctrine­Database param: dsn: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=webslips username: root password:

HHUH, WhH DS1 LdHnWLfiHV WhH dDWDEDVH HnJLnH (MySQ/, Ln this case), the host name, and the database name. The username and the password also have to be given here.

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