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Memory strategy


In this strategy, the state of each request is stored in the user session at the server end only, without any encryption or encoding, and is not sent to the client. Only a request LGHQWLfiHr LV VHQW Wo WhH FOLHQW, whLFh FDQ ODWHr EH XVHG Wo rHFovHr WhH rHTXHVW VWDWH. BHIorH LQLWLDOLVL­QJ vDOLGDWLoQ, H',9 oEWDLQV WhH rHTXHVW LGHQWLfiHr (DQG WhXV, WhH ,SWDWH object) from the user session. From here on, validation is the same as the above strategies. The memory strategy also provides both data LQWHJrLWy DQG FoQfiGHQWL­DOLWy.

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