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Google’s two-step verificati­on


Two-sWHp YHULfiFDWL­on onOLnH woUNs Ln D sLPLODU PDnnHU. 5HFHnWOy, GooJOH LnWUoGuFHG WhLs IHDWuUH Ds D pDUW oI LWs authentica­tion process. Not many people might know about this, because it wasn’t explicitly advertised. I myself came to know of it when I saw a friend of mine using this. A basic Google search will show you how this can be enabled for Google account(s). How it works is really simple. First, you enter your username and password. If the details provided DUH FoUUHFW, you DUH WDNHn Wo WhH sHFonG sWHp oI YHULfiFDWL­on, where you are required to enter a randomly generated code GHOLYHUHG by GooJOH 3honH 9HULfiFDWL­on 6ysWHP (396) Wo youU UHJLsWHUHG FHOO phonH nuPbHU HLWhHU WhUouJh ,95 oU 606. rpon entering this code, you are successful­ly authorised and taken to your account page. In case you do not have your phone with you, Google provides some backup codes, which can be downloaded from the Account Settings page.

However, remember one thing -- with two-step YHULfiFDWL­on HnDbOHG, usHUs FDnnoW usH WhLUG-pDUWy applicatio­ns like mail clients, push mail, etc, linked to their Google account with the direct password. They have to generate a one-time password for each applicatio­n from the Accounts Security page. Again, a quick Google search will show you the exact process.

Personally, I recommend that readers enable this feature, as it enhances the security of your account and makes it almost impossible to hack.

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